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About Us

The Hammonds Plains Historical Society was established in 2010 to gather, preserve and share the rich history of Hammonds Plains. Original Board of Directors (Christina Parker, Cathy Munroe, Heather Kelly, Dave Haverstock, Joyce Evans) provided the leadership to host the first meeting of the society in September 2010.

We are a registered member of the Nova Scotia Joint Stocks and have a set of by-laws which outline our governance. We have an eight member Board of Directors, which meets once a month. Membership to the society is open to any interested individual, with an annual $10 membership fee.

We typically host 5 general public meetings per year in the community, each at which a presentation is given on some aspect of local history.

A web site ( and Facebook page houses information about our society, complete with pictures and resources. During its inception, the society has done extensive research on the history of the Hammonds Plains and have developed a variety of presentations and resources that are available for public use. The society is especially proud of its Oral History Project, in which seniors were interviewed about their memories of growing up in the community. The interviews are now edited and contain a wealth of information about our past.

General Meetings:

Our general meetings in non COVID times are generally the last Monday of September, November, January, March and May at 7pm. At each meeting there is a historical presentation about some aspect of Hammonds Plains History. Everyone is welcome to attend.

Our Vision:

To gather, preserve and share the rich history of Hammonds Plains and surrounding area, with any and all interested people.

Our Strategic Goals:

1. To acquire, maintain, enhance and/or restore real and personal property of significant historical value in Nova Scotia.

2. To publish information, exhibit, display and promote the public awareness and enjoyment of real and personal property & significant historical value in Nova Scotia.

3. To work in conjunction with other groups, individuals and organizations who share goals in common with this society.

4. To seek governmental assistance of any nature including municipal, provincial and federal government agencies to further the objectives of the society and to coordinate in affiliation with and assist any such agency including the goal of the society.

5. To obtain funding from the public at large through direct gifts or various fund raising techniques to achieve the goal of the society.

Link to Strategic Plan

Link to Board of Directors

Link to By-Law
